Latest update 17.02.2020

Puppie pictures

Litter V
Zue Doggy-Booms
Views The History & Views The Legacy
4 weeks and 1 day old & 9 weeks and 6 day old

Litter U
Zue Doggy-Booms
Unusual Line Of Lux & Unexpected Skills
2 weeks old & 15 weeks and 1 day old

Litter T
Zue Doggy-Booms
The Wizard Hagrid & The Witch Minerva & The Witch Ginny
7 weeks and 1 days old

Litter S
Zue Doggy-Booms Sorcier Dumbledore
4 weeks and 5 days old

Litter R
Zue Doggy-Booms
Rare Flash Of Gold & Rare Style Of Lux
Rare View Of Gold & Rare Golden Moment
6 weeks and 5 days old

Litter Q
Zue Doggy-Booms
Queen Of
Witchcraft & Fairyland & Twilight
16 weeks old

Litter P
Zue Doggy-Booms
Pearly Hot Delights & Pearly Charmer & Pearly Hot Baubles
4 weeks and 5 days old.

Litter O
Zue Doggy-Booms
Oui Il Vaut De L'Or & Oui Il Est Mignon & Oui Elle Est Belle
7 weeks and 3 days old.

Litter N
Zue Doggy-Booms
Nice Tasting Toffee
7 days old.

Litter M
Zue Doggy-Booms
Mon Histoire De Vie & Mon Petit Ami & Mon Ami Est Belle
3 weeks and 1 day old.

Litter L
Zue Doggy-Booms
Lollipop Hot Top
3 weeks and 2 days old.

Litter K
Zue Doggy-Booms
Keeps A       Keeps A       Keeps A
Lucky Charm & Hot Sheila & Special One
6 days old.

Litter J
Zue Doggy-Booms
Jr Jack Hot N'Sexy
2 weeks old.

4 weeks old.

4 weeks old.

8 days old.

Litter I
Zue Doggy-Booms
Implied Highup Girl & Imp Makes History
8 weeks and 4 days old.

Litter H
Zue Doggy-Booms
Histoire Est Belle & Histoire Vivante
5 weeks old.

Litter G
Zue Doggy-Booms
Gain Sympathy & Gain Experience & Gain Confidence
2 weeks old.

Gain My High Ends
2 weeks old.

Litter F
Zue Doggy-Booms
 Fancy                 Fancy               Fancy
Sweet Charmer & Charming Hero & Hot Candyman
2 weeks old.

Fancy Hot Fudge
2 weeks old.

Litter E
Zue Doggy-Booms
Ecu De La France
6 weeks old.

Litter D
Zue Doggy-Booms
Debut             Debut                 Debut  
Pour Le Valet & Pour La Belle & Pour Le Joker
3 ˝ weeks old.

Litter C
Zue Doggy-Booms
Come On Tiny Heart
9 weeks old.

Litter B
Zue Doggy-Booms
Blazing Hot Amore & Blazing Latin Charm
10 weeks old.

Litter A
Zue Doggy-Booms
A Hot Charming Jack & A Charming Heart
Jack stands on top, playing in the garden.
5 weeks old.

Zorro, Zlatan and Zeb

Brothers found the water bowl.

Male puppy on the run and
sister starting to "look" att all things.

Mummy´s milk is the best....

"Little Prince" with his mother "Joy",
time for a fight!!

"Loke" with his grandmother "Nikita".

Mummy is the best.

Copyright © Zue Doggy-Booms